About College
We are proud to be Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's well-established Arts, Commerce and Science College over the last three decades. We are NAAC Re-accredited college with A grade.
Following are some of the features of the college :
- B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., BCA. U.G Degree Programmes.
- M.A. (Economics, Marathi, Geography, History, Hindi) P.G Programme.
Latest News
President’s Desk
Dr. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil laid the foundation of mass education in rural Maharashtra, which was free from consideration of caste, creed, sex and religion. His followers were inspired by his idealism, selflessness, sacrifice, dignity of labour and true cosmopolitanism. He realized his dream of educating the deprived and downtrodden sections of society by founding Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, initially at primary education level and slowly upgrading to secondary and higher education. Now the Sanstha has wide network of schools and colleges spread all over Maharashtra. The Sanstha also has adopted pro-active learning environment by exploiting the knowledge revolution. - Hon.Sharad Pawar, President, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara.

Hon. President
Mr. Sharad Pawar
Chairman’s Desk
In the wake of globalization, a paradigm shift has taken place as far as education is concerned. The contemporary info-tech world has opened new vistas of knowledge. It also involves adopting new perspectives, skills, strategies and structure for the educational Endeavour.The Rayat Shikshan Sanstha has been trying to address itself to these issues. We have decided to examine the extent to which the new technology could focus on diversity, creativity, educational opportunities and social equality. I am sure we would succeed. -

Hon. Chairman
Mr. Chandrakant Dalvi
CDC Chairman’s Desk
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Mahatma Phule Mahavidyalaya, Pimpri, Pune is one of the leading premier educational institutes was established on 13 June, 1983. The college is having vibrant and amiable academic ambiance. I am very much delighted to share with you that with total devotion and dedication from the Principal and integrity of all the faculty members the college could produce excellent academic environment on the campus. We take utmost care to develop over all personality of the student and also instill sense of commitment and devotion to serve to the humanity. College takes initiative in inculcating values that prepares the students for their academic excellence through logical and analytical thinking, work ethics, integrity and honesty. We also groom the students by nurturing qualities like management, leadership, creativity, compassion, discipline, life skills and soft skills.
I take pride in mentioning that our teaching faculty is highly dedicated, enthusiastic and well qualified in the domain area which ultimately contributes in producing excellent students who can face the global challenges of this competitive world. As a result of this we could see our students have shown remarkable success in the university exams by achieving merit of excellence. We endeavor to compete boldly with the recent changes in the higher education by taking new paths yet staying grounded to our mission of delivering quality education, building teaching excellence, introducing innovations, making the students competent to face global challenges, creating human resources for better tomorrow, creating placements, research and consultancy.
As I look in future, I can visualize that the college will grow in pursuit of higher standards of teaching, research and will give shape to the future of society.

CDC Chairman
Shri. Sanjogbhau Waghere Patil
Principal’s Desk
The faculty of the college which is well-qualified, strives to sustain quality and academic excellence and encourages the students to participate in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. We foster creativity, fortitude, integrity and leadership qualities among the students for their over-all personality development. The students of our college are also on forefront in research, cultural and sports activities at University, State and National levels. Our faculty is dedicated and committed to pursue our mission and goals. We ultimately groom our students to scale new heights on the phenomenon of... Read More...

I/C Principal
Dr. Bhosale P. E.
Our Vision
Our Mission
To impart liberal and vocational education to economically and socially weaker students and create among them confidence and self-reliance.
To provide value-based education to make students competent, accountable and civilized citizens.
To inculcate value of social equality, feeling of brotherhood, dignity of labour and self-help among students.
To enrich and maintain the quality and standards of education.
To impart need-based, timely relevant and innovative programs promoting the use of latest technology.
To provide quality education to students who hail from all classes of society for uplifting them to cope up with challenges in higher education at national as well as international level.