Literary Association


To nurture the Artistic and Literary Association has been established in the college. It aims the acquaint the students with renowned literary stalwarts and also to expose them to reading culture and creative writing.

Structure of Literary Association :

1 Prof. Dr. Babasaheb Shendage President
2 Prof. Dr. Kamayani Surve Member
3 Mr. Shaikh Esak Member
4 Prof. Dr. Sanjay Mesrty Member
5 Prof. Dr. Rajendra Bawale Member

The Literary Association organized the following activities throughout the year :

Sr.No.Name of the ActivityDateNo. of Beneficiaries
1 Nibandha Lekhan - -
2 Poetry Reading - -
3 Story Narration - -
4 Marathi Bhasha Din - -
5 Expert Lectures - -
6 Organized Play - -